
Thank you for your interest in learning more about AAUW. Our mission is:  To empower women through education and career development. One important way we do this is through our scholarship program. To raise funds, we will be collecting and selling used books and  accepting cash donations. To help provide educational opportunities to more women in our community, please make your tax-deductible donation now.

By Joyce Moyer

By the time you read this we will be ready to celebrate the accomplishments of this past program year with our scholarship winners and their families at our spring luncheon. Seeing these students receive funding that will help their dreams come true is the reward of our hard work this past year. The biggest project we sponsor, the annual book collection and sale, provides funds for these young women to pursue an education that enables them to succeed at what they do best. Whether they become teachers, scientists, artists or astronauts, they will be prepared to begin a career path and “pay it forward” by helping others.

Accomplishments of the past year are noted in more detail in the newsletter. I do want to thank the board members, the vice-presidents, the committee members, and especially their co-chairs, and all the others who helped make this another successful year. You will hear details about legislation passed by our state legislature, due in part to the continuous flow of emails from AAUW members. Alliances with other women’s organizations were strengthened as we all fought for the same changes and fairness measures. And we continued to grow as women professionals through participation with the speakers and activities of our membership meetings.

Though this program year is not yet over, we are already planning some things for the next year that will interest you. There will be a Cocktails & Conversation (C&C) in my home in the coming weeks, and the promised interest survey will be on its way shortly. Please take the time to respond to this survey as your responses will help us make plans for the future. And thanks to all of you who participated in all the meetings, conferences and webinars produced by affiliates who share our interests and goals.

The most precious gift you can give to AAUW is your time. The time you dedicate to AAUW empowers many others who also donate their time, and when all those efforts are combined, we produce miracles and move mountains. The time you donate to AAUW helps give something to someone they may not attain on their own. The more actively involved you are with AAUW, the more you will receive in return. Your involvement provides a sense of empowerment and your own affirmation of worth and success.

It has been an incredible year for me as I have learned so much about the inner workings of AAUW on the state and national level. It has been my privilege to serve as your Anne Arundel County Branch President and I look forward to continuing to serve you in the coming year.

paragraph_separatorFor information about the branch’s Special Interest Groups and activities, please browse our website and contact us using the link above.

In accordance with its bylaws: AAUW is not affiliated with and does not support any other non-profit organizations; AAUW does not support the campaigns of any candidates for public office; but AAUW does support public policy initiatives related to education and equity for women and families that have been approved by the bi-annual voting of the AAUW members.